Pub. 13 2016 Issue 3

O V E R A C E N T U R Y : B U I L D I N G B E T T E R B A N K S - H E L P I N G N E W M E X I C O R E A L I Z E D R E A M S 12 residents. Nationally, Congress needs to pass long-term funding for infrastructure and transportation. We should create a two-tiered regulatory structure that allows smaller, community banks to loan more money to small businesses. Our national labs in NewMexico play an essential role in our nation’s security and our state’s econ- omy. As the Department of Energy decides on a new contract for Sandia National Laboratories, I amworking diligently to ensure the next contractor focuses more on economic development and creat- ing local jobs in NewMexico. Question: As a former Secretary of Health and former Secretary of Aging and Long-Term Services, you are ob- viously well-versed in matters relating to health and se- niors. What can Congress do to assist senior citizens and veterans? What is the future of the Affordable Health Care Act? Congresswoman LujanGrisham: This issue is so important tome. I introduced the National Care Corps Act to set up a national caregiving program that assists older Americans and their caregiv- ers in living healthy, independent lives while building a health care workforce. I will continue to fight against any cuts to programs that are essential to the well-being of seniors and veterans, including SNAP, Older Americans Act programs, Medicare and Social Secu- rity. Congress needs to hold VA hospitals accountable and ensure they are providing quality health care in a timely manner. We hold monthly Warrior Workshops in New Mexico to help veterans ac- cess services. I have also introduced bi-partisan legislation to help disabled veterans live independently and participate in family and community life. The ACAwas a great first step in health reform, and it has expanded coverage to millions of Americans. Now, I would like to see Congress work to improve the ACA and ensure people can afford the care they need. Question: What are your thoughts on immigration re- form? Congresswoman Lujan Grisham: We need comprehensive reform to our broken immigration system– requiring businesses to verify employees’ eligibility, updating our visa programs to match workforce demands and enhancing security along our borders. We should provide immigrants who are undocumented with a way to earn citizenship and help keep our families together. n n Legislative Profile  continued from page 11 My primary duty is to serve the people who elected me to Congress, and I take pride in understanding the issues that affect New Mexicans. I spend as much time as I can in communities and neighborhoods that make up the 1st District, meeting with constituents, learning about their concerns and helping them get services and results from government agencies. L A W Y E R A D V E R T I S E M E N T LEGAL EXPERTISE YOU CAN BANK ON Your stockholders demand growth. Your customers demand strength. You need a law firm with the banking and financial experience that can help you achieve these goals. Year after year, the attorneys at Miller Stratvert are continually recognized by their peers for their banking expertise in The Best Lawyers in America . To find out how you can put one on your team, we invite you to call us for a consultation. Gordon S. Little James J. Widland Kirk Allen Tyler Denning Billy Jimenez Dylan O’Reilly ALBUQUERQUE 505.842.1950 ~ LAS CRUCES 575.523.2481 FARMINGTON 505.326.4521 ~ SANTA FE 505.989.9614 2017 BANKING & FINANCE “LAWYERS OF THE YEAR”