Pub. 13 2016 Issue 4

O V E R A C E N T U R Y : B U I L D I N G B E T T E R B A N K S - H E L P I N G N E W M E X I C O R E A L I Z E D R E A M S 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE JAY JENKINS NMBA PRESIDENT Carlsbad National Bank I am reminded that with the diversity our great state possesses how important it is to find common ground to work together personally, professionally and politically. We have challenges in front of us but New Mexico and its people have found ways to get through tough times. A s I write this column, I am ref lecting on my NMBA legislative travels with John Anderson which star ted just before the Thanksgiving holiday and concluded just before Christmas. I am thankful for many things, but our road trip emphasized to me the importance of our freedom to assemble and freedom to express our ideas and opinions in an open forum. I was also grateful to meet the many great friends John Anderson has made throughout our great state. Our travels brought to mind how beautiful the State of New Mexico really is and the di- versity it possesses both in the layout of the land with high mountains, sand dunes, roll- ing hills, open plains, rivers and lakes and our great people. We should promote New Mexico and its many advantages much more than we do in order to show off and attract others to enjoy these great benefits of the state we call home. The two million people that all them- selves New Mexicans also come with diversity including ethnic backgrounds, culture second to none, varying thoughts and ideas, arts and hundreds of years of family history. The road trip reminded me of our abundant natural resources including oil, gas, coal, ura- nium, potash, timber, many metals and gems and weather. We should promote the produc- tion of these resources and not hinder our